Root, Azriah, and Beel ran outside. Or rather, Root and Azriah ran. Beel didn’t so much run as hover reluctantly by the others for fear of what might befall him
Month: January 2024
They arrived in Wunksfeld much sooner than expected. It hadn’t felt like two miles, as the sign declared. In Root’s estimation, judging by the degree of increased discomfort in her
Eliondra told them all that she knew. Her children had gone missing after leaving home in the morning two days prior. They’d been out playing in the woods to the
A common perception of primordial humans paints them as territorial to the point of savage violence, donning (even before they invented clothes) a cumbersome xenophobia of “us versus them” in
Instinct nearly raised Root’s hand to knock when they returned to Glabigal’s shack. Given that their previous entry had come in the wake of a very brief meeting between Azriah’s